Managing Stroke: From Acute Care To Rehabilitation

Managing stroke involves a comprehensive approach that spans from acute care to rehabilitation. One of the main causes of impairment in the world is stroke, which is characterised by an abrupt stoppage of blood flow to the brain. Prompt response, careful attention to detail, and a range of supports are necessary for stroke management in order to maximise recovery and elevate the patient’s quality of life.

Rehabilitation after a stroke: What to anticipate during recovery

A variety of therapies are used in stroke rehabilitation to help patients regain skills that they may have lost following a stroke. Rehabilitation might support you with your strength, mobility, speech, and everyday living skills, depending on which areas of your brain were damaged by the stroke. You can enhance your quality of life and restore your independence with the aid of stroke rehabilitation.

What’s involved in stroke rehabilitation?

There are numerous methods for assisting those with strokes in their recovery. However, the general focus of rehabilitation is on targeted, repetitive behaviours – repeating the same exercise repeatedly. The area of your body or the kind of ability that was damaged by your stroke will determine your rehabilitation strategy.

Physical activities might include:

Exercises for motor skills

Body-wide muscle strength and coordination can be enhanced with exercise. These can include the muscles involved in walking, swallowing, and balance.

mobility instruction

You might learn to use mobility aids, such as a walker, canes, wheelchair or ankle brace. While you retrain your ankle to walk, the ankle brace can help strengthen and stabilise it, supporting your body’s weight.

Constraint-induced therapy

You practise moving the damaged limb to assist enhance its function while the unaffected leg is immobilised. Forced-use therapy is another name for this kind of treatment.

Range-of-motion therapy

You can restore range of motion and reduce muscle tension (spasticity) using specific workouts and therapies.

Among the physical activities aided by technology are:

Functional electrical stimulation

Weakened muscles contract when they are exposed to electricity. Your muscles may benefit from the electrical stimulation for reeducation.

Robotic technology

Robotic devices can enable limbs that are disabled execute repetitive tasks, which can help the limbs regain function and strength.

Wireless technology

An activity monitor might help you increase post-stroke activity.

Cognitive and emotional activities might include:

Therapy for cognitive disorders

Your lost cognitive abilities—such as memory, processing speed, problem-solving skills, social skills, judgement, and safety awareness—can be helped by occupational therapy and speech therapy.

Therapy for communication disorders

You can regain lost skills in speaking, listening, writing, and comprehension with the aid of speech therapy.

Psychological evaluation and treatment

You may be asked to adjust emotionally. Additionally, you might attend counselling or take part in a support group.


Your doctor might recommend an antidepressant or a medication that affects alertness, agitation or movement.

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