Technology In Cardiac Rehabilitation: Wearables And Apps

Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a well-established, all-encompassing approach to the management of cardiovascular risk factors through, among other things, exercise training, health education, the encouragement of physical activity, and intensive counselling. Biometric data such as heart rate, movement, sleep, ECG analysis, blood pressure, energy expenditure, and many more characteristics are collected by wearable devices. New research suggests that wearable gadgets are an important part of determining cardiovascular risk and preventing disease. This scoping review aims to better comprehend the significance of wearable devices in home-based CR (HBCR) and to characterise the evidence concerning the incorporation of wearable devices in HBCR programmes and cardiovascular outcomes.
Innovations in Healthcare for Heart Patients:

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Systematic, medically supervised, comprehensive programme that aids patients in recovering from cardiac events, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, addressing co-occurring diseases, keeping an eye out for adverse events, and using best practises.7
CB Cardiac Rehabilitation
CR is provided in-person at a CR facility along with supervised exercise training sessions.
Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation
A scientific statement on home-based CR that addresses the essential components of CR offered to patients in their own homes.14 To be clear, this doesn’t mean that CR aides should be urging patients to work out on their own when they aren’t at CBCR; rather, it relates to the delivery of the CR tenets in a setting familiar to the patients.
Cardiac Rehabilitation with a Hybrid
A hybrid of in-person CR and audiovisual CR that can be either asynchronous or real-time. The most common methods of providing this are face-to-face CR and synchronous/real-time audiovisual CR.
Asynchronous Cardiac Rehabilitation often known as “remote Cardiac Rehabilitation”
Patients and doctors don’t usually have time to talk during workouts. Information about patients is recorded so that care can be provided at a later date.15 Not eligible for reimbursement under CMS at this time.
In-Person/Simultaneous Cardiac Rehabilitation

Patients and doctors are in the same room at the same time, allowing for close observation of patients as they work out. In addition to CBCR, this may also involve doing exercises simultaneously in different locations.15
Virtual Cardiac rehabilitation, or synchronous/real-time audiovisual Cardiac Rehabilitation
Two-way video contact in real time allows patients and physicians who are physically separated to get CR care. All or part of a patient’s visit may be spent with the clinician observing the patient while they work out.15 After the public health crisis, CMS is now providing reimbursement.